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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Greet every morning with open arms and say thanks every night with a full heart. Each day is a precious gift to be savored and used, not left unopened and hoarded for a future that may never come. Regina Brett

Use Habit 5 as you walk the hallways at Dogwood (or even Walmart) is your head up, eye contact with other staff, students and parents in our building to share a greeting! Think how that silence (of no hello, how are you or smile) could affect that person. When someone says nothing what does that say to you as a person?  When someone asks about you personally doesn't it make a connection?  Let's honor each other in the halls and walls of Dogwood by making a conscience effort to talk to each other, even a sweet and simple "Salutations"Inline image 1

Our continued example of this (as adults)  will make a BIG difference in the young lives we empower each day! 

I will leave you with an idea: 
Data Activity for your classroom: Use google forms(or ole paper and pencil) to create a survey asking how a greeting or smile makes them feel at school. Chart the results, share with other classes, on announcements, in newsletter or newspaper, on our FB page. Include questions to answer from the results. This would make a relevant project learning lesson.

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