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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Habit 2 Using our school Mission Statement

Introduce Dogwood's School Mission Statement

Leading- Have leadership roles in your classroom 
Create posters or videos with Do's and Don't of the playground, hallway, classroom.
Achieving- introduce WIGS (personal and classroom goals in your classroom)
Tie achieving to your behavior plans/clip charts, classroom attendance or reading charts. 
Kindness- begin to fill Emotional Bank Accounts and have "random acts of kindness."  Add KIND words to your word wall.
Empower- we empower students by using positive reinforcement. Find the "whale done" and give them praise and attention for it. Celebrate not just reaching the end goal but the journey to that moment. Instill in them the belief that their "YOU-ness" is what makes them great.
Responsible- help them to see that they are responsible for things in the classroom and their learning Using Leadership Binders gives the ownership in their learning. Set class academic goals. Encourage responsibility in reading at home each night, remembering tennis shoes on PE days and library books on Library Day. 

Our Mission is clear... now go forth. Remember YOU are a LAKER!

Habit 2 Begin With the End in Mind

Habit 2 is having a vision for the future. It is the habit where we dive deep into our character and goals to define what is important to us. This is the habit where we begin to make mission statements and have a plan for reaching goals.

Habit 2 is a great area to introduce Leadership Roles in your classroom. Pg. 74 of the Empowerment Day booklet had a great list of roles. When setting up the roles discuss the "end in mind" What is it we want this job to accomplish? and what type of person do we need to do this job?

Developing a mission statement for your children is sometimes difficult. Try using Nursery Rhymes to see what is important?

Example: After reading Jack and Jill discuss what would or could be this characters mission statement? First, think about what is important to them and go from there.
Jack wants to help others (he is going to fetch water for his family), Jill looks out for her brother by following him down the hill to see if he is okay. Jack and Jill's mission may read: We believe that you should always help others. Try it out with  your class.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be Proactive Habit 1

Attached is a Power Point for Proactive that is appropriate for 1st or 2nd Grade. It is using the comparison of soda/water bottles to give kids the visual of proactive and reactive reactions. I could see them following up by making posters or videos showing the Do's and Don'ts of being Proactive!

Habit 1 powerpoint

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Paradigms and Principles of Effeciveness

As you introduce the 7 Habits tree to the students remember that the first three habits help to build strong roots.
Character is the root of effectiveness.  " Like the top of a tree, our personality is what people see first. Although image, techniques, and skills can influence success, the real source of lasting effectiveness lies in a strong character_ the roots." ( Covey)
See: The Giving Tree Lesson Idea for sharing this concept with your students. (vluber@camdentonschools for this idea)

You may wish to introduce the Maturity Continuum to your class to show the You, I , We parts of becoming an effective leader.

How to change your habits?  What you DO depends on how you SEE things. Using the Principles of Effectiveness wheel show students how this can apply to them to GET results.

Activity: Ask students to write their name. Then ask them to write it again using their other hand. Compare the difference and how it felt. What could you do to start writing with your non dominant hand. (Change your paradigm, practice and get results)

Activity: Call out words one at a time and have students draw, tell or write what first comes to mind. This activity will help children to understand what a paradigm is. ( Paradigms are the way we see, understand, and interpret the world- our mental map) Some words to call out may be: money, health, school, teacher, exercise, fun, food..
Activity: Use Duck Rabbit to help kids see that there are different ways to SEE things.

Some books to use with these are: Recess Queen and Ira Sleeps Over (email vluber@camdentonschools if you are interested in how these books can be used to teach these concepts.

Habit 1 Be Proactive

The Habit of Personal Responsibility, Choice, Accountability, Initiative. As you introduce and dive deeper into teaching students this habit remember the following vocabulary: Proactive Language, Circle of Influence and becoming a Transition Person. Model examples of proactive and reactive behaviors to common classroom/playground problems.

" It's not what people do to us that hurts us, it's our chosen response to what they do that hurts us. "
 (Stephen Covey)

Look for more links for lessons on Proactive soon.

Week by Week Start Up Guide

Click on this link to print the Week by Week Start Up Guide

Remember the first week of school we will begin by "building the base"

Vocabulary to introduce to your class includes: Character, Roots of Effectiveness, Paradigms, Emotional Bank Account.

Discuss how to change your habits with SEE DO GET cycle!