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Monday, March 14, 2016

Habit 5 Easter Style

Use this fun loving Easter story to help your students understand Habit 5 and so much more.

Before Reading: Ask the children to describe what they believe would be the most wonderful egg in the world using details to describe it so that others can make a mental image.

During Reading: Use two column notes (Leadership tool- plus/delta) to list the three main characters and describe their eggs using shape, color and size words. Were there any adjectives used?

After Reading: (before the King makes his final decision) Ask the kids to form an opinion of which of the 3 eggs is the most wonderful and justify their response. Let them argue about it as they try to persuade others to agree with them.

Seek 1st to Understand Then to Be Understood: What better way than to act out the story as a retelling or summary. But first let them make some props and tops (eggs and headbands) No patterns given. Then,  have the kids make a rubric first of what should be included and allow them to listen and score their classmates based on the content of their act.

Transitional Person: The King was the transitional leader in the story. He was someone they could go to for advice. But, ultimately he empowered them to see something more. Have the kids share who is a transitional person in their life (teacher, coach, friend, Sunday school teacher, baby sitter, sibling, etc) and write them a "Royal letter" of appreciation.

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