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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Using Quotes

Ask Ms Summers' about how she used this activity in her classroom. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Habit 4 Think Win Win

Here are some books, games and activities to help students understand Think Win Win. Remember that the components of this Habit of more than just "everyone wins" It is about: What we do when faced with conflict, balancing courage for getting what we want/need with consideration for what others want/need, being an attentive listener and observer and being open minded and flexible. Moving our mindset from a competing paradigm to a cooperative one.

Remember the Super Tic Tac Toe and tug of war game we used at our Leadership Rally to help kids understand  compete vs cooperate. Seeing things in a different mindset.

Thumb wrestling is another game that can show this concept. Have kids get in groups of 2. They are going to thumb wrestle. The goal is to have as many pins as possible. (A 3rd student can record the pins). Give them 30 seconds.

Now, explain that the goal of the game was not to win but to have as many pins as possible. What can you do different (work together how?) to reach this goal. Try it again and compare pins.

Here are some other games to try.

Some books for this Habit are:
Alexander and the Wind Up Mouse
I Knew You Could
The Very Clumsy Click Beetle
Rainbow Fish
The Doorbell Rang
The Butter Battle
Tops and Bottoms
The Very Noisy Night
Sheila Rae the Brave

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Missouri Day with a Twist

Check out this lovely tale of an accident in Missouri and how others made a difference in the lives of so many animals through this Twist of Fate. Great Tie to Habit 3. Put First Things First.  Image result for twist of fate the miracle colt book

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Synergizing Musical Style

Begin by playing musical chairs. Use  theme from Arthur.

Stop after a few minutes and tell them that the song may you think of a new way to play the same game. This time set up chairs in circle. 1 chair for each student. When music stops they sit down. Take 1 chair away.. but this time they all stay in the game and must sit. (see how they work together to make this happen and they work together.) After, elicit a discussion of the difference and how they were able to still play the game with less chairs. (teamwork)

Select  a couple students to model the next part. (sorting). Give them some items, pictures or words and ask them to sort them. (Time them)

Now, form 3 teams and ask them to do it. See if they were able to do the task quicker. Why?

Together is better.

Ask the kids to form synergizing groups and give them a task to do together. Give them items to build the largest tinfoil tower, puzzle to put together, or clean up a mess.

Synergizing is not about comprising. It is using your strengths and working together to make more, get more done, be more powerful than you were alone.

Tower Building: Give each group a different item to build a tower. (spaghetti, tinfoil, marshmallows, cookies, pipecleaners. Have them build the tallest tower with just what they were given. Then give them to option to work together and see what happens. It's like the company that owns the glue and the one that owns the brick. Alone they don't get much done, but together they build a house (brick and mortar)

Synergizing Musical Style

Begin by playing musical chairs. Use  theme from Arthur.

Stop after a few minutes and tell them that the song may you think of a new way to play the same game. This time set up chairs in circle. 1 chair for each student. When music stops they sit down. Take 1 chair away.. but this time they all stay in the game and must sit. (see how they work together to make this happen and they work together.) After, elicit a discussion of the difference and how they were able to still play the game with less chairs. (teamwork)

Select  a couple students to model the next part. (sorting). Give them some items, pictures or words and ask them to sort them. (Time them)

Now, form 3 teams and ask them to do it. See if they were able to do the task quicker. Why?

Together is better.

Ask the kids to form synergizing groups and give them a task to do together. Give them items to build the largest tinfoil tower, puzzle to put together, or clean up a mess.

Synergizing is not about comprising. It is using your strengths and working together to make more, get more done, be more powerful than you were alone.

Tower Building: Give each group a different item to build a tower. (spaghetti, tinfoil, marshmallows, cookies, pipecleaners. Have them build the tallest tower with just what they were given. Then give them to option to work together and see what happens. It's like the company that owns the glue and the one that owns the brick. Alone they don't get much done, but together they build a house (brick and mortar)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Constitution Day

September 17, 1787 is Constitution Day. The birthday of the United States Constitution. Here are some ideas that you can try as a class. Also, check out last year's September blog posts for other ideas.

K- Identify the flag, recite the pledge of allegiance.
This is a great time to study our flag and pledge and what they symbolize and then write our own mission statement (pledge) that we will live by.  They can also create a personal flag or family flag to add to the personal section of the Leadership Binders.

1. Examine how individual rights are protected.

2. Explain the importance of the Pledge of Alllegiance. Analyze how being a citizen of the US makes a difference in  your community. (tie to our rights/freedoms)

Here is a link of a song that shares the rights our Constitution gives us.

 It is a great springboard for discussions, jigsaw groups, researching  and entering the poster contest. Even if you don't enter this contest, have one in your classroom, pod or grade level.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Reaching that Personal Victory

The first 3 Habits are helping kids to move from the dependent stage  (YOU) (I depend on others) to the Independent Stage (I can do it) by gaining that personal victory of self responsibility. It's important to build strong roots. These 3 habits are below the trunk of the tree for a reason. It may take longer to build a strong understanding of these habits. That's okay.

Below is a list of what unconditional skills fall under each habit. Refer back to your training box.

Habit 1 Be Proactive

  • Paradigm- How you SEE things. I am free to choice how I see things
  • Proactive language
  • circle of influence
  • pause and respond (Stop and Think Leadership Tool)
  • Become a transition person
Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind

  • Define your purpose
  • Mission Statement- mental and physical
  • Tribute Statements (80th birthday party)
Habit 3 Put 1st Things 1st
  • spend time on most important things
  • prioritize
  • eliminate unimportant
  • plan
  • stay true
  • big rocks/little rocks
  • Quadrants
Personal Victory

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome Back Attitude

This bring no worries to our little students as we guide them in the 7 Habits of the Happy Kids!

Pre School

Pre School Teachers will show their students that they can make their own weather. Being Proactive means we have are responsible for our own change! What attitude will you bring with your to school?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Dogwood has a Minute to Let it Go!

As we reflect on Nice Bike theory of Acknowledge, Honor and Connect the Dogwood Staff is honored with a little (minute or so) of unwinding time!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Achieving Goals with a Growth Mindset

Dogwood's book study group just finished up with the book: Growth Mindset. What a great synergizing and Sharpen the Saw time throughout these last several weeks. It was encouraging, refreshing and powerful to sit around the table of different people reflecting on what was read and what was real. The last collaboration is this week and I love the direction that we will end with... Bring an example of how The Growth Mindset has changed your thinking and/or language. Putting talk into action for sure. 
As you have stepped up to the challenge of our last Laker Leadership Rally by setting a professional and classroom goal think about the process you will take in working toward these goals. Some things to consider and grasp:
1. What is the purpose of your goal? Understanding the "Why" helps you and your students set purpose and direction. Motivation if you will to achieve.
2. How will you measure it's success? 
3. What will you do to work towards this goal? (Action steps) As you work through these actions steps be sure to stop and reflect on their worth in reaching your goal. 
4. Have kids or others visually track what they SEE as a result of working toward the goal. Spotting signs of success keeps you on track. For instance, when walking a trail, seeing the mile markers encourages us to celebrate what we accomplish so far, but also see that goal is closer to our reach. 
5 Be sure to PAUSE and rest in order to gain strength to finish. As the turtle trudged along he said, "slow and steady wins the race."  Celebrate the EFFORT and RISK taking more than the reaching of the goal itself. Think about the power of others as they encourage a Special needs child or wounded warrior. What is it that they cheer for.. the WIN or the effort and risk that individual is willing to take on. Don't let perfections (3's and 4's, above grade level, etc) be the only kids we celebrate or we begin to form more fixed mindsets in young learners. Attached are a few videos and resources for embracing a Growth Mindset when reaching goals. Please share other ideas with us all. Check out the LIM videos and search to find one that applies as well. 

Here is my idea to share... how about yours?
This story is one example of a Growth Mindset vs a Fixed Mindset. After reading, compare the thoughts of the 4th pig to her brothers. How did their thoughts "mindset" change their words, thoughts and actions? How does that relate to us when we try something new or hard? How can we learn from and apply this author's message in our class as we work towards reaching our goal? 
Quotes and videos to encourage you and your students.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

We are going to the ZOO!

Four Kindergarten teachers are using Habit 2 and 5 as they take part in Project Based Learning with the Coaches at Dogwood!

We are creating a working document (file) that builds on Science, ELA and some Math standards as the Kinders design and create habitats for the zoo animals before their fieldtrip. Look for our zoo coming to a school near you really soon!

Be sure to ask Mrs. Ricketts, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Allen or Mrs. Cunningham about PBL.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Habit 5 Easter Style

Use this fun loving Easter story to help your students understand Habit 5 and so much more.

Before Reading: Ask the children to describe what they believe would be the most wonderful egg in the world using details to describe it so that others can make a mental image.

During Reading: Use two column notes (Leadership tool- plus/delta) to list the three main characters and describe their eggs using shape, color and size words. Were there any adjectives used?

After Reading: (before the King makes his final decision) Ask the kids to form an opinion of which of the 3 eggs is the most wonderful and justify their response. Let them argue about it as they try to persuade others to agree with them.

Seek 1st to Understand Then to Be Understood: What better way than to act out the story as a retelling or summary. But first let them make some props and tops (eggs and headbands) No patterns given. Then,  have the kids make a rubric first of what should be included and allow them to listen and score their classmates based on the content of their act.

Transitional Person: The King was the transitional leader in the story. He was someone they could go to for advice. But, ultimately he empowered them to see something more. Have the kids share who is a transitional person in their life (teacher, coach, friend, Sunday school teacher, baby sitter, sibling, etc) and write them a "Royal letter" of appreciation.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

More Growth Mindset videos

Check out these class Dojo videos for helping kids to have a Growth Mindset.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Growth Mindset

Mr. Brown found this fun filled video that helps kids to see that their Mindset can affect their weather!  If you know of other stories or videos that also fit this topic please share so we can build a treasure chest of resources to incorporate into our units of study.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Greet every morning with open arms and say thanks every night with a full heart. Each day is a precious gift to be savored and used, not left unopened and hoarded for a future that may never come. Regina Brett

Use Habit 5 as you walk the hallways at Dogwood (or even Walmart) is your head up, eye contact with other staff, students and parents in our building to share a greeting! Think how that silence (of no hello, how are you or smile) could affect that person. When someone says nothing what does that say to you as a person?  When someone asks about you personally doesn't it make a connection?  Let's honor each other in the halls and walls of Dogwood by making a conscience effort to talk to each other, even a sweet and simple "Salutations"Inline image 1

Our continued example of this (as adults)  will make a BIG difference in the young lives we empower each day! 

I will leave you with an idea: 
Data Activity for your classroom: Use google forms(or ole paper and pencil) to create a survey asking how a greeting or smile makes them feel at school. Chart the results, share with other classes, on announcements, in newsletter or newspaper, on our FB page. Include questions to answer from the results. This would make a relevant project learning lesson.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

We are LAKERS!

In order to achieve our goals we must strengthen our..

Creating Greatness

After watching the LIM video Creating Greatness and reading Ellison the Elephant ( I would suggest Grades 1 & 2 reading the whole text) have the students celebrate their strengths (their greatness) and make a plan (Habit 2) and action steps (Habit 3) for how they can use this strength to help others.

This is also a great story to use to encourage others to not be critical of other's weaknesses (Another book may be Leo the Late Bloomer, Ira Sleeps Over). Give them to challenge to help others in their classroom like Ellison's imaginary friend. Help others to find their VOICE!

Click this link to hear part of the wonderful story.

This is a terrific story to help bring Mark Twain's quote to life.Mark Twain

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

The story begins by telling the reader that a space in this world was left empty just for them.  "YOU-Ness" is described as "it's your style of being, your rhythm or vibe. It's the grand sum of you that sets you apart. Your body and brains plus your spirit and heart."

This story can be used in so many ways to help kids see their potential and give them to desire to work hard at becoming even more. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

100th Day of School

Be habit strong by having the kids accomplish our Mission Statement by: Leading ( by using their strengths to work in a group.. Synergize) Achieving Goals (by following the STEM prompts) Kind (work cooperatively with others to complete one goal.. make it a win-win) Empowering: (use your engineering minds to come up with a plan by using your knowledge, imagination and willingness to try things, make changes and learn from mistakes) Responsible: (be responsible and use your math brain to help you make sure that you are using your 100 sense to complete the prompt as directed) Now, teachers.. check out these STEM activities for making learning fun, rigorous and memorable on this special day of school. Remember S is for Science (tie in the scientific method of inquiry and questioning into the activity you select. T is for Technology (have the kids use technology to show their plan, their investigation or results or to research the topic. E is for engineering (have kids make a written plan after asking questions and possibly exploring some scientific principals or accessing other knowledge first) M is for math. (use math to compare data (measurement, graphs, etc) So check out this link for 100 day STEM activities to use in your classroom.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How can you use this book to gain a deeper understanding of habits?

Mrs. Mooney found this book after our Professional Development the other day discussed Mindsets. I found a version that kids created with a "tear apart" story.. really cool.

See how you can use this story in your classroom. Be sure to share any ideas in the comment section below.

New Years Resolutions

Resolutions can be turned into goal setting (personal or academic). Mrs. Holladay used this fun story to motivate her Kindergarten students to write their New Year's Resolution Goals as well as illustrate what those goals would look like. Check it out!


Think of yourself at a restaurant and the waiter/waitress comes to the table and just stands silently, unexpressive, just waiting for you to order... what kind of tip would you be prepared to give them?

As the students entered school the first day back in January for the new year, I stood and greeted them in various ways as they entered. Many were like the waitress I described above. Is it important for our young children to learn how to greet people (teachers, guests, peers)...These small things are what will help them build relationships in their lives. So, how do we do it?

Think of Wilbur in Charlotte's Web. He built relationships that not only saved his life, won him a blue ribbon, but most importantly impacted others. And he did it by using his Voice! (Habit 8)

As you begin to dive deeper into the 7 habits with your students help them to think of ways to greet people and try it out! So many of the Habits are involved in this simple act. (Proactive, Listen with your ears, eyes and heart (do you look down when someone greets you? Many do, sadly), Win-Win (your greeting could change someone's weather). Well, what are you waiting for Make a Plan and Stick to it. Sounds like personal goal setting time for us.
What words or actions would be your signature in greeting others in our school? Wilbur used "Salutations!" Can't wait to hear this greeting from one of Dogwood's leaders!